Top ten: presidential photos of the decade
Photo 1 – 2010
This photo was taken on May 2, 2010. It shows President Obama talking to Louisianna Gov. Bobby Jindal and Thad Allen- the national incident commander on a trip to the gulf coast shortly after the BP oil spill. This spill killed 11 workers as the rig burst into flames and plummeted into the Gulf of Mexico.
Photo 2- 2011
This photo was taken on May 1, 2011 and shows the many faces and emotions of the mission against Osama Bin Laden. This famous photo is one of the most well known of Obama’s presidency. It illustrated all of the stress and mix of emotions that come with making decisions that affect thousands of people’s lives.
Photo 3- 2012

President Barack Obama visits Sgt. Chase Haag in the intensive care unit after awarding the Purple Heart to him.
This photo (taken on May 1, 2012) really summarized what was happening in the world during Obama’s first term. America was at war with Afghanistan and lots of American’s were risking their lives. With all of the fighting and controversy going on, Americans were delighted to see their president giving his time to be with the people that fought in the war.
Photo 4- 2013

President Obama pictured with Sue Connors and Jane Dougherty.
The photo, taken on April 3, 2013, illustrated President Obama hugging women who lost their sister in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting after speaking at the Denver Police Academy in Denver, Colo. The shooting built tension in Congress and the Senate over gun control debates.
Photo 5- 2014

President Obama speaks with Raúl Castro in the Oval Office.
This photo (Dec. 16, 2014) tells the story of the biggest foreign affairs news of the year. President Obama is on the phone with President Castro of Cuba. The next day it was announced that after more than 50 years America would have full relations with Cuba.
Photo 6- 2015
The image, shot on June 26, 2015, illustrates the white house lit up in rainbow colors celebrating the supreme courts ruling on same-sex marriage. This was a turning point court case in modern American history. All over the U.S., members of the LGBTQ+ community were fighting for their voices to be heard, and this was a huge victory for them and all of America.
Photo 7- 2016
A new era. President Obama’s term is almost over and two days after the election is over President Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (photographed Nov. 10, 2016). New things are to come for America, some citizens are anxious about the future and others are excited and hopeful of what’s to come.
Photo 8- 2017
Serving his first official day as President of the United States Donald Trump walks into his inauguration ceremony (Jan. 20, 2017). No matter what your political party is, all of America was wondering what this new presidency would bring for America. Most known for being on the TV show “The Apprentice”, citizens were mixed on the future of America.
Photo 9- 2018
The Parkland Florida shooting changed gun control debates across America. In the image, captured on Feb. 15, 2018, President Trump addresses America the day after the shooting. After the shooting survivors like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez gained global attention for their activism pushing gun control in America.
Photo 10- 2019
President Trump shakes hands with Speaker Pelosi at the state of the union speech (Feb. 5, 2019). This photo defined the year because the year was full of political controversy between Pelosi and Trump. Later in 2019, President Trump became the 4th president to ever get impeached and Speaker Pelosi was a big supporter of the impeachment.