Netflix’s “Dark Crystal” continuation has lots in store for fans of the original

Alfred Dozier, Opinion and Editorial Editor

A perfect tribute and continuation of Jen Henson’s very own “Dark Crystal” and a masterful show of the power of puppets, “Netflix’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” completely showcases a beautiful and engaging mix of puppets, storytelling and CGI. It expands the lore and world “Dark Crystal” sets up. As a prequel to the “Dark Crystal”, it shows what takes place before the movie, letting the viewer see the events that changed Thra, The Skeksis and The Gelfling.

Executive Producer Lisa Henson, along with the entire cast and crew present a grand new Thra for old and new fans. When three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis’ power, they set out on an epic journey to ignite the fires of rebellion and try to save their world. Well that’s just the synopsis, but the story is much more than that. 

Though the course of the show it weaves the characters together, as they realize that they have a common enemy, the Skeksis. The show has a whole new group of characters, Rian played by Voice Actor Taron Egerton, and puppeteer Neil Sterenberg who is a fierce fighter, and selfless friend. Brea played by Voice Actor Anya Taylor-Joy, and puppeteer Alice Dinnean a strong willed risk taking bookworm who discovers a dangerous truth. Then there’s gentle Deet, a free-spirited brave grottan voiced acted by Nathalie Emmaunel and puppeteer Beccy Henderson. The show has a huge cast of characters, and the painstaking dedication that is poured in making every character great is dutifully shown.

One thing the show does well is creating new lore. With Jim Henson gone it was up to new writers to build up the foundations of a world before the Garthim War and the almost extinction of the Gelfling. The Skeksis who go through an interesting arc in the show try to hold onto their fading immortality, and they go through great lengths to gain it. The Emperor SkekSo, voice acted by Jason Issaces and puppeteer Dave Chapman, is a masterful schemer and the leader of the Skeksis. The Chamberlain Skeksil voice acted by Simon Pegg and puppeteer Warrick Brownlow-Pike, is an ambitious and arrogant slithering snake who’s always changing sides.

Even if the show might seem weird and scary at first, everyone should be encouraged to give it a try. The work that everyone put into “Netflix’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” is jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring. When given the chance it will shock you and astonish you, leave you wanting more, and craving more episodes. Leaving you on the edge of your seat and making you invested in the characters and the world. 


It will make you want to live in Thra!


It will make you want to save Thra!


It will make you want to fight for Thra!