November Photos of the Month
Every month, reporters submit their best photos to be considered for “Photos of the Month.” These are voted upon by Bridgeland Student Media students.
Captain Michael Claiborn stands on the sidelines as ROTC cadets present the flags during the National Anthem at the varsity football game against Cy Park.
About the Contributors
Della Fowler, Photo and Graphics Editor
Della Fowler is a senior and going into her third year on the newspaper staff. She is passionate about the power of photojournalism, which has led her...

Allie Thome, Design editor
Allie Thome is a freshman at Bridgeland High School and is so excited to create and work on this year’s yearbook and newspaper. She is involved with...

Madison Gunn, Managing Editor
Madison Gunn is a freshman reporter and Co-Managing Editor. She enjoys reading and hanging out with her friends during her free time. After school, she...