Senior Q&A: Amir Adams
Q: What is your favorite memory from high school?
A: My favorite memory is track meets
Q: What has high school taught you?
A: High school has taught me patience
Q: Which grade was your favorite and why?
A: My favorite grade was 10th grade because I was more comfortable in high school
Q: How have you changed from freshman to senior year?
A: I matured a lot from freshman to senior year
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: After high school, I plan to go to college
Q: What will you miss most about high school?
A: I will miss running
Q: What inspires or interests you?
A: Music
Q: What are you looking forward to in college?
A: I’m looking forward to just living the college life and becoming an adult
Q: Who has impacted you the most in high school (teacher, staff, friend, etc)
A: Probably my best friend
Q: What advice would you give to incoming freshman?
A: Push through high school

Charleigh Thomas is the news and sports editor for The Bridge. Although she stays pretty busy with clubs and basketball, she always makes time for her...